JANUARY 24, 2000
Questions: These are the some of the general questions I get.
If you were to do a Talk Show who would you go on?
Are you John Tesh? Are you related to him? Have you met him?
Where do you get your recipes? What are the guidelines for adding new recipes?
Requests: These are the most common requests I get.
When you get new recipes could you E-mail me?
Can you email me your recipes?
Can I use your recipes on my site?
Do you sell weapons? Do you know where I can buy them?
Can I set a link to your page? Will you link to my site?
Q. If you were to do a Talk Show who would you go on?
Q. Are you John Tesh? Are you related to him? Have you met him?
Q. Where do you get your recipes? What are the guidelines for adding new recipes?
My guidelines for adding new recipes...
1) The dish must somehow be associated with an Official reference (i.e. seen, or mentioned in an episode, movie, book, comic, or cartoon with the Paramount logo).
2) If seen in an episode or movie, the recipe added must resemble the appearance of the onscreen reference. (So, if green eggs and ham were shown, the recipe will alter the appearance of the eggs and ham to reflect what was shown onscreen). Likewise if the reference somehow describes the appearance of the dish, then efforts will be made to match the description.
3) All recipes must note at least one reference (i.e. coffee is mentioned too many times to list ALL references).
4) No recipes from "The Star Trek Cookbook" by Ethan Phillips are accepted. (That would be a quick way to be shut down by Viacom)
Q. Why didn't you use my recipe?
1) It's the recipe found in "The Star Trek Cookbook" by Ethan Phillips,
2) I may have half a dozen recipes for it already.
3) It doesn't resemble the description/appearance of the item as seen in an official reference... (BTW: Jumja sticks, aka Glop-on-a-Stick, is the sweet sap of the jumja tree, and skewered shrimp would look nothing like tree sap)
Q. When you get new recipes could you E-mail me?
Q. Can you email me your recipes?
Q. Can I use your recipes on my site?
Q. Do you sell weapons? Do you know where I can buy them?
Q. Can I set a link to your page? Will you link to my site?
Hate sites, and adult sites will never get a link.