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What's new? K'Tesh's Klingon Recipe Pages are constantly being updated. Here you can catch up on what's been going on.
The search engine has passed its test, took a lot of work, but it is now going to be a permanent part of the site... still a lot more work to go to make everything run smoothly, but I'm progressing. Btw... FindFree liked the suggestions, perhaps we will see an improvement in framed and unframed link managment for their search engine.
Oh yea, I'm now adding links to the bottom of every page on the site to make navigation easier for people who come in from a search engine other than my own.
Email is now handled through the use of a form, I got tired of trapping SPAM, hopefully this will help.
I've added a search engine, but I don't know if it will meet my needs, I've contacted FindFree with suggestions on improvements for framed pages, its on probation now.
I'm adding a FAQ... answering the same questions (or rather ignoring them) is really getting tedious. Currently this is only available on the framed version of the site.
My oldest page is being retired, and being replaced with what it evolved in... goodbye Homepage, hello Theme Party. (the search engines weren't finding it, and I was tired of the name not matching the title)
I've applied for the Millennial Trek Award, that link can be found on the index page... speaking of index pages the Unframed index has been updated with the new control panel...Next I get to tackle the small index... fun... NOT!
I've also managed to update the DS9 episode list to include the final episodes, and checked on my transporter links to see if they are current.
Well, it's good to be back, look for more updates in the future. One new project for the Recipe Pages that I'm thinking of is a page for finding those hard to find props for serving your Star Trek meals on Authentic place settings. i.e. the Klingon Blood Wine cup, Klingon serving platters, or Sisko's plates. Much of the info is scattered in my pages already, but I think this would be a good addition.
And another thing... I'm starting to phase in a change of the color for my links, as the other was often too close to the color of the text to tell the difference.
Due to copyright concerns, I cannot use, or accept recipes from the new Star Trek Cookbook. If you are interested in purchasing a copy I recommend that you visit Simon & Schuster's website for more information. Remember this site is done as a hobby only, and contains *UNOFFICIAL* recipes, I make no money from this venture, nor do I wish to do so... period.
I recently discovered that you can use links with tables on the same page, so I have retrofitted the unframed recipes to reflect this.
Minor changes were made to the navigational menus to improve performance.
The framed version of the Awards page, and the framed version of the Songs & Poetry page were modified to bring them in line with other major framed pages. Thus, improving navigation for people who find this site via search engines. (Eliminating problems with new browsers being generated)
The Code Warrior page was updated to correct an error with my suggestion for dealing with Geocities' annoying popup windows. My new suggestion, bag Geocities, and go to Xoom.
Awards | Who is K'Tesh? | Day of Honor | Code Warriors | Linking Info | Links | Email