Awards | Who is K'Tesh? | Day of Honor | Code Warriors | Linking Info | Links | Email
K'Tesh is a Native of Southern Oregon. (Born and Bred), but is a recent immigrant to the Portland Oregon
area... fleeing a lousy (lack of ) employment situation in Klamath Falls.
He enjoys cooking for his friends when he gets the chance. Perhaps you should check out his Recipe Pages, some of the recipes are quite interesting. {};)
K'Tesh is a big fan of Star Trek, that includes
all of the different variations of it (Even the Animated Series). He especially loves
the Klingon culture (As if you couldn't guess), and is currently attempting to construct his Klingon Warrior's uniform. (Full Empirical Klingon). You *CAN'T* believe the difficulties that are being encountered.
Enuf of that third person stuff.
I was born in Oregon during the heart of the USA's race to the moon.
I have traveled extensively over the US (being a military brat), and after joining the USAF managed to get myself stationed at RAF Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire, England for a couple of years.
I recently ESCAPED from Klamath Falls Oregon, due to economic reasons (high local unemployment rate).
Klamath Falls really grew on me though... kinda like moss on a tree.
I started and stopped smoking on October 31, 1974 (yes 1974) and have never had the desire to smoke again. I am quite adamant on this issue. I wish to be the first in line at the PUBLIC EXECUTIONS of the heads of the tobacco industry!!! }=)
I enjoy reading Science Fiction, I am a bicyclist, but don't ride enough, and I love building plastic models. My newest hobby is Contact Juggling. For more information, I recommend you try http://www.contactjuggling.org.
Some of My Favorite things:
My two word description of myself is (honestly): Mostly Harmless
I guess I'll step out for a bite to eat now...you might say I'm...
Awards | Who is K'Tesh? | Day of Honor | Code Warriors | Linking Info | Links | Email